Wednesday, November 3, 2010

All the single ladies!

Yeah, Saturday-night I had my first taste of single-life and I guess I could get used to this - free drinks, getting compliments and get invited to after-parties.

So, I was walking towards my friend when I passed three guys and one of them said hi. I stopped, looked at them and thought "yeah, why not?" and started talking to them.

One of them grabbed my arm. "Hey, you got a tattoo! You like tattos?". This was one of those situations where I had to swallow my sarcasm.

That's when I noticed that he had his arms full of tattoos and he even had one on his neck. I told him about my brother being a tattoo-artist and this guy was actually pretty nice.

I asked him about the tattoos and he explained that all of them where inspired from the vikings. I was a little shocked since it was pretty clear that this guy wasn't entirely Swedish - dark hair, dark eyes and smooth skin in a shade darker than mine. (In a fewer words - He was hot) But his Swedish was as flawless as mine, he had a Swedish name and he was studying to become a teacher.

He was actually pretty cool and he asked me out for a coffee.

I said no, though. Stupid I know.

1 comment:

  1. Molly:

    Isn't it great to be single?

    Hope you enjoy your singledom more.
