Thursday, September 16, 2010

Politicians, racists and then little me.

I hate politicians and I wish they were allowed to use sarcasm, it's the best way of getting your point through someones else's thick skull.

Again, I hate politics and I stay away from it as far as I can but since it's election-day this Sunday, then it's pretty hard to ignore.

Swedendemocrats. What do they sound like?Democrats that want to help Sweden? WRONG.

Their only policy is 'Sweden is great, Swedes are greater and let's send back all those immigrants back to their own country!'.

Yeah well, F U.

They wanna start with the criminal immigrants and that I can understand, if someone - who's not from Sweden - commits... let's say murder... in Sweden then yeah, why should we spend money on him/her in our prisons? But then again, the Swedish legal sucks so he/she would only get like 10 years maximum for murder so he/she probably wouldn't cost us that much. Even if they say 10 years they'll probably let him/her out after 4 years.

Sure, send criminals 'home'.

Though, here is what's wrong. They wanna send the whole family back to their own country with the criminal, because (and I quote) 'They're all the same'

I don't wanna make Sweden seem racist, I'm ashamed for Swedendemocrats - We need to focus on getting more jobs but they focus on keeping Sweden as Swedish as possible.

And what do they count as 'immigrants and foreigners'? My best friend is part German (I know because I tease her a lot), my dad's sister is adopted from Chile (she just got a kid with a Swede), my mom's sister got two grown-up kids with a man from Turkey, whom she still lives with.

If they get to rule Sweden, what happens with us? Are they gonna send my cousins to other countries? Countries where they don't know the language and they're gonna start living there? Working there?

They're just doing to other countries that they feel that other countries do to us.

These poeple, Swedendemocrats, are impossible to talk to. Believe me I've tried, I was called a child who lives in a fairytale-world and don't know what real life is and they also said that I called them racist. (Please, I wouldn't stoop so low unless you actually said something racist) And they tried teaching me what the word 'Nazi' really meant.

Well, they asked me if I wanted it explained and my reply was "No, because I have a feeling you're gonna make Nazi sound like something good and that makes me sick"

Sorry for the rant, I just got so pissed now when I thought about it.

Have a great day!
(who's not voting for the Swedendemocrats)

1 comment:

  1. Ah, the frustrations of politics!

    I have learnt more about it this year than I strictly care to know. Three countries about which I care had elections in as many months (Britain, Poland and Australia).

    The Swedish Democrats, not so democratic, especially when it comes to questions of law and order?

    Democracy is not always what it seems. You need only look at 1945-1989 for that and the "democratic republics" ...

    And nationalism is a tricky one, often.

    And the lenient sentences.

    Hopefully a Defence League will not build in Sweden. (The English Defence League is getting up my own nose at the moment...)

    No, you do not punish the family. The family already gets punished, directly and indirectly.

    Talent, technology, tolerance! What a platform that would be.
