Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Ghosts and dogs.

My mom opened the door to my room this morning. "Did you set the alarm-clock?"
I lifted my head and tried to glare her out of my room, when it didn't work I checked my alarm. "No" I said and tried to fall back asleep.
Mom shifted in the doorway. "Well, shouldn't you?"

I did as she said and closed my eyes again when I heard her coming in the room and stealing my laptop, she left but our big, hairy dog had decided to sneak in my room when mom had the door open. He started licking my hand, and then my arm, and he reached my shoulder when I started mumbling 'Lick my face and you're a dead dog'.

He stopped instantly and I opened my eyes.

Seriously, who can be mad at this dog? Of course I started cuddling with our family dog who looks like a big, black bear instead of the cuddling, nice dog he is. I'll upload a picture later :)

So, this sucks. My aunt told me that my new working place is haunted......... Yes, that's right. HAUNTED. I was like 'Great..... Now I'll never be alone at work....'.I wonder if she knows how much he destroyed my life by saying that.

Well, she didn't really, it's not like I noticed something or anything. All I know is that some places in the hallway makes me feel uncomfortable but hey! That's me. Though, I'm alone here and there's an awfully lot of noise not coming from me or my direction at all. That's whats scaring me!

Back to  work now!

See ya later!